Mineralienatlas (name for mineral atlas) is the platform for people interested in mineralogy, geology, palaeontology and mining since 2001. We operate a significant database for minerals, fossils, rocks and their localities. Mineralienatlas is not limited to a section. We bring together information and inform comprehensive.

To complete our information constantly, we need your support. With us, everyone can and should participate. Currently Mineralienatlas is used and expanded by 9882 members. Every month hundreds of thousands of visitors use our website as an information source.
Geolitho Foundation non-profit GmbH
Geolitho Foundation non-profit GmbH is the non-profit supporter of the Mineral Atlas (Mineralienatlas), the Lithotheque, the Geolitho Collection Management and the Marketplace and Store by collectors for collectors. The Foundation promotes public education in the field of mineralogy, geology, paleontology and mining by operating, maintaining and further expanding earth science projects.
The min­er­al fair end­ed suc­cess­ful­ly and the au­thor of this ar­ti­cle re­ceived on­ly pos­i­tive feed­back. Many deal­ers were ex­treme­ly sat­is­fied. Ac­cord­ing to the or­ganiz­er, 18,000 guests visit­ed the halls on Sa­t­ur­day alone. Both days were a hive of ac­tiv­i­ty and the nu­mer­ous chil­dren's at­trac­tions were wel ... moreThe mineral fair ended successfully and the author of this article received only positive feedback. Many dealers were extremely satisfied. According to the organizer, 18,000 guests visited the halls on Saturday alone. Both days were a hive of activity and the numerous children's attractions were well received. Parents were everywhere with their children to complete the geo-rally.

For mineral collectors, the usual dealers were on site, although some tables remained empty. There were no highlights from the scene or overflowing tables with identical material from new finds. However, one stand with an impressive selection of Germanite chunks was a welcome novelty.

The special exhibition “The Impossible Crystal” was a success. Even if not all the exhibits could be described as “impossible crystal”, all the pieces were of the best quality and well worth seeing. In the B halls, the author visited the “Young Designers”, including a student who presented cast silver jewelry in an organic design that showed off the embedded stones to their best advantage - an impressive piece of work...

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
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Weather­ing is a conti­nous pro­cess by which rocks are bro­ken down and de­com­posed by the ac­tion of hu­mid­i­ty (rain), wind, tem­per­a­ture changes, chem­i­cal agents, bac­te­ria and plants. Be­ing an in­te­gral part of the rocks cy­cle, weather­ing is the ini­tial stage to­wards de­nu­da­tion, which re­sults in gen­er­al l ... moreWeathering is a continous process by which rocks are broken down and decomposed by the action of humidity (rain), wind, temperature changes, chemical agents, bacteria and plants. Being an integral part of the rocks cycle, weathering is the initial stage towards denudation, which results in general lowering of the land surface. An essential feature is that it affects rocks in situ; no transportation is involved. This is the factor which dsitinguishes weathering from erosion. The two main types of weathering are mechanical and chemical. Climate plays a leading role in weathering, whereas chemical weathering is almost absent in arid regions. Effecrtive freeze-thaw cycles are confined to cold temperate and permafrost climates.

Erosion is part of the process of denudation which involves the wearing away of land surface by mechanical action of transported debris. Main cycles of erosion are glaciers, wind erosion, marine erosion.
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Ti­tanit ist ein Min­er­al, welch­es man in Vorkom­men un­ter­schiedlich­er Ge­nese an­trifft. In Granit­peg­matiten kön­nen Kris­talle bis 25 cm groß wer­den; in Al­ka­ligestei­nen bis zu 6 cm. Kris­talle von er­stk­las­siger Qual­ität (rel­a­tiv auch Edel­stein­qual­ität) fin­d­et man je­doch nur in alpino­typen Klüften. Er­st­ma ... moreTitanit ist ein Mineral, welches man in Vorkommen unterschiedlicher Genese antrifft. In Granitpegmatiten können Kristalle bis 25 cm groß werden; in Alkaligesteinen bis zu 6 cm. Kristalle von erstklassiger Qualität (relativ auch Edelsteinqualität) findet man jedoch nur in alpinotypen Klüften. Erstmals gefunden wurde Titanit 1795 in den Hauzenberger Graphitgruben im Bayerischen Wald und beschrieben durch Martin Heinrich KLAPROTH, der das Mineral nach seinem Gehalt an Titan benannte. Soweit nachvollziehbar, führte KLAPROTH die Erz-Analysen im Auftrag eines Bergbauunternehmens durch.
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In kul­turhis­torisch­er Hin­sicht spielte die Wüste seit der An­tike eine wichtige Rolle in der eu­ropäischen His­to­ri­o­gra­phie und Lit­er­a­tur. Ein­er­seits sym­bolisierte die Wüste seit Hero­dot das Fremde und An­der­sartige, das sich dem eu­ropäischen Zu­griff ent­zog. An­der­er­seits bot die Wüste aber auch Rück­zugs ... moreIn kulturhistorischer Hinsicht spielte die Wüste seit der Antike eine wichtige Rolle in der europäischen Historiographie und Literatur. Einerseits symbolisierte die Wüste seit Herodot das Fremde und Andersartige, das sich dem europäischen Zugriff entzog. Andererseits bot die Wüste aber auch Rückzugsmöglichkeiten. Insbesondere durch die Bibel (Auszug aus Ägypten der Israeliten, Versuchungen Christi) und die spätere hagiographische Literatur (Eremiten) wurde ein Bild der Wüste nach Europa transportiert, das im Kern bis heute fortwirkt. Durch die Domestizierung des Dromedars gelang es dem Menschen, tiefer in die großen Wüsten vorzudringen und zu durchqueren. Dadurch konnte die Wüste zum Lebensraum des Menschen werden, welchen es gelang, diesen Einöden Lebensunterhalt für sich und ihre Tiere abzugewinnen... Ein Beitrag von Peter Seroka
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